Understanding Your Cat’s Body Language - Kwik Pets

Understanding Your Cat’s Body Language

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Having a Cat at home can be a lot of guesswork at times, especially when cats by nature are feline animals. Felines are more individualistic than others. They prefer to have their own space. A lot of the time, they might even like more company. However, a cat’s body language can be easy to predict.

Tails: Simply determining the position of your cat's tail can tell you a lot about how you are feeling. If their tail is up, this means that a cat is happy and it would be safe to approach them. However, when a cat’s tail is down, it might be scared or threatened. When a cat’s tail is in motion, it would probably be a good idea to leave them alone. However, if the motion is slow, it means that they are ‘reading the room’ as a human would.

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Ears: Ears can also be used to identify what exactly your cat is feeling. If the ears are facing forward, it means that they might be in a mood to play. Straight-up ears suggest that the cat is alert. If their ears are turned back, it is possible they might be irritated and sideways ears could suggest that they are anxious. When your cat is being defensive it might turn its ears backward 

Eyes: It is not uncommon that eyes do a lot of talking. When your cat's pupils are dilated, they might be surprised or scared. Constricted pupils, on the other hand, could mean that the cat is feeling aggressive. Stare means that the cat feels challenged and a half-closed eye kitten could mean that they trust you or are relaxed. Slow blinking could also mean that they feel safe and trust you.

Posture: When it comes to cats, even their body or their posture can tell you a lot about what they are feeling. An arched back could mean that the cat is fearful or is showing aggression. A cat with a normal posture, and when their body is facing you is showing confidence. A ball-shaped cat could show that the cat is fearful and you should probably make them feel safer.

Cats have evolved as both predators and prey, this means that at times they will act as predators while other times they might feel like prey. You can identify this particular behavior as well. A cat that is stretching its body is exposing itself to the environment, meaning it does not feel scared or threatened. On the other hand, when a cat is acting in a prey-like manner, they might try to expand themselves as much as possible. Cats, like humans, lean the body in the direction they want to go in. If they want to come near you, their body will be directed towards you.

Read more: How to Know If Your Cat Has Fleas: Top Signs and Symptoms  

Whiskers: Not many people might be aware of this but cats also indicate what they are feeling using their whiskers. A fearful cat will pull their whiskers closer to its mouth. Whereas confident cats will push their whiskers further from the mouth. 

Vocals: Vocals can indicate a lot when it comes to cats. A growl could mean that it is a warning for you to stay away from them. A hiss on the other hand could mean that your cat is feeling threatened. A purr can mean both pleasure and pain. A trill is a friendly greeting.

Hope you feel closer to your cat after reading this! These are a few of the ways you can understand your cat better. When it comes to feeding your cats, it is tough task as they are choosy pets regarding food choices. Check-out Best cat food and treats available at Kwik Pets to fulfil food cravings of your feline pets.

Read more:- How Long To Wait Before Bathing Your Cat After Applying Flea Medication?

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