How To Protect Dogs From Heat Stroke?

You're probably eager to spend some time outside having fun in the sun after a long, bitter winter. But, if your pet suffers from heatstroke, your adventure can come to an end. Be aware of the typical symptoms of heatstroke and take precautions to keep your pet cool during the sweltering summer months.

There are many common health problems in humans and dogs. And the one major health problem which is extremely concerning is Heartstroke. It gives many major health problems, there are many reasons for heatstroke. One such is dehydration . Here will guide you about, what heatstroke is, how causes, and how to prevent it in dogs.

What Causes Pet Heatstroke?

Heatstroke or more commonly known as heat exhaustion is common in summer times. In this, the pet's body temperature goes above the normal range of 100 to 102.0 degrees.

Due to their lack of sweat glands and inability to sweat as people do, dogs and cats overheat more rapidly. Pets mostly cool off through panting because the loss of saliva from the mouth lowers body temperature. When pets are left outside on hot days, heatstroke most frequently develops, although it can also happen if

  • Even if the temperature is down, the humidity is excessive.
  • Your pet doesn't stop playing to rest or cool off.
  • In hot weather, your pet doesn't have enough access to water.
  • On a hot day, you abandon your pet in an enclosed space without any ventilation or cooling.
  • Even if it doesn't feel very warm outside, you leave your pet in a car.

If warning symptoms are ignored, heatstroke is a serious medical illness that can be fatal.

What Symptoms Do Pets Show Of Heat Stroke?

Keep a watchful check on your dog when you play retrieve or frisbee with her to look for warning signs of overheating, such as:

  • A Lot Of Panting
  • Excessive Salivation
  • Having Trouble Breathing
  • Vomiting
  • With Or Without Bloody Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Stumbling Or Lack Of Coordination
  • Abrupt Collapse
  • Seizures

If your pet exhibits any of these symptoms, take quick action. Heatstroke advances swiftly once your pet starts to overheat.

How To Avoid Heat Stroke

When the temperature rises above 80 degrees or the humidity is high, be aware of the risk of heatstroke and take the following measures to keep your pet cool:

On hot days, never leave your pet outside unattended. Keep your pet indoors with air conditioning while you're gone.

When out in the open, make sure your pet has access to clean water, cover from the sun, and shade.

Take them for an early jog or walk to avoid the dangers of the afternoon heat.

In a parked automobile, never leave your pet unattended. Even on sunny, cool days, heat builds up in a confined car quickly to lethal proportions.

Except for brief outside restroom breaks, keep brachycephalic breeds, old and obese pets, and animals with heart or lung disorders inside your air-conditioned home on hot days.

Tips For Pet Owners On How To Treat Cats And Dogs Who Suffer From Heatstroke

Heatstroke can quickly turn into a life-threatening emergency, so you should take urgent action if you think your pet is overheating;

Move your pet to a cool place, ideally one that is properly aired, or use a fan.

Give them tiny water sips (do not force them to drink)

Pour or hose down chilly water on them to help them cool off.

It's crucial to avoid using ice-cold water since it might decrease blood flow to the skin, impair the body's capacity to cool off, or even cause shivering, which increases heat production.

Alternately, cover them with a cool, damp towel. This needs to be replaced every five minutes because once it warms up, it loses its effectiveness.

To Conclude

As the weather becomes warmer, keep an eye on your dog when you're out in the fresh air to make sure they're not overheating. Even if your dog still wants to play, on the side of caution and let them take a break in the shade and not dehydrate. During warm weather or at any time never leave kids alone in the car, not even for a few minutes.

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